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Confidentiality Policy

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Statement of Intent

It is our intention to respect the privacy of children, their parents and carers, whilst ensuring they access high quality early years learning at each venue.


We aim to ensure that if necessary, all parents and carers can share their information confidentially in the knowledge that it will only be used to enhance the welfare of their children.

Personal Records

The only records we hold are signing in sheets which show first names only, phone numbers and details of whether you consent to photos being taken. In addition, it is always announced at sessions if a photo is going to be taken. Photos are used on our Facebook page once we have the express permission of guardians.

Team members will only discuss any personal information given to them by parents with the Team Leader. If there are any concerns about the welfare of a child, parent or carer, then the necessary Safeguarding actions will be followed in accordance with the Isle of Man Safeguarding Board. A copy of our Safeguarding Policy is available to view. Staff are trained and aware of the importance of confidentiality regarding conversations with parents, grandparents or carers. Staff have been trained to Level 4 Safeguarding which has equipped them with the knowledge and understanding that a child’s welfare is paramount, and that the child is our main priority at all times. Staff will be aware that any disclosure made regarding a child must be reported immediately to the Team Leader. Any disclosures will be dealt with according to the Isle of Man Safeguarding Board.

If any item of personal property is left after a session, we will endeavour to establish the ownership and return the relevant item. If that is not possible, we will either leave it at the school venue or keep hold of it until the item is found. All staff will be aware that the contents of any property found must remain confidential otherwise disciplinary action could be taken against them.

The Data Protection Act

Training is kept up to date regarding the Data Protection Act and all staff have attended the relevant course. Any emails held electronically are stored securely with a password.

Review Date October 2020