Singing Jo & Co aims to achieve an environment where no child, individual or family will be excluded from the group’s activities on the grounds of age, gender, sexuality, sexual orientation, class, family status, means, disability, incapacity due to pregnancy or child birth, colour, ethnic origin, culture, religion or belief. We aim to ensure that all who wish to work in or volunteer to help with Singing Jo & Co have an equal chance to do so.
If requested, a copy of our groups policies are available for to any family who attends our groups.
When employing members of staff Singing Jo & Co will appoint the best person for a role and every person will be treated fairly.
No applicant will be rejected on the grounds of age, gender, sexuality, class, means, family status, disability, colour, ethnic origin, culture, religion or belief or because they are a member or non member of a trade union. Every member of staff will be committed to implementing the charity’s Equality Policy.
Our Charity understands that many different types of family exist, with differing means and this is accounted for with the Charity’s ethos of accepting donations only for their sessions. All children will be respected and treated as individuals. Each child’s development potential will be recognised, positively encouraged and valued.
Our singing sessions will offer every child the chance to develop in an environment free from prejudice and discrimination.
Our resources will be chosen to give the children a balanced view of the world and appreciation of our multicultural society, by encouraging respect of self and others and avoiding stereotyping and derogatory attitudes.
Any discriminatory behaviour or remarks are unacceptable at our sessions. The response to any such behaviour or remarks will be sensitive to the feelings of the victim and the perpetrator will be helped to understand and overcome their prejudice.
Bilingual and multi-lingual children and families will be valued and respected by our group and if necessary, information, written and spoken will be clearly communicated in as many languages as possible.
Singing Jo & Co recognises that every child is special and that the needs of each child and family within the group and community we serve will vary. We will endeavour to take into account and consider these needs and react in a positive manner.
There is a designated member of staff responsible for equality within the setting.